

vibrational healing from a cellular level

What is Namassage?
Namassage is a form of energy work designed to open the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Namassage is for those who are looking to be transformed from a cellular level. Vibrational tools including, sound, color, light, flower essences, Reiki, essential oils and the gift of energy that flows through Mark are woven together in a sacred space for this unique work (play actually) called Namassage. Namassage was created by Mark D. Naseck who has studied and practices the science and art of Yoga for the past ten years. Many well-known actors, corporate executives and fitness leaders have experienced this profound transformational form.

Why did Mark feel the need to develop it? How is it different from existing modalities?
The word “nama” means: to bow, hence signifying a sense of submitting oneself to another, with complete humility and sacredness. After years of studying and training in many different modalities in the healing arts and his experience of a kundalini awakening in India, Mark created his own form of energy healing called Namassage. However, it is not a form of massage, but the feeling you will have after receiving this work/session/treatment is one similar to what you would experience from an incredible massage. It is quite different from a massage experience in that one is fully clothed and, with the use of breath, music, sound, vibration, and guided imagery, a sacred space is created in which a trance state/altered state of consciousness is accessed. Mark has the ability to feel in his body where there are blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of others when both he and the recipient are in that altered state of consciousness. This state of being is most comparable to lucid dreaming: images may appear in the psyche and these images that appear is what heals.

How does Namassage happen, why does it work?
Because in Namassage we are going past the sub-conscious and conscious mind and we are accessing cellular memory. A CD stores music as light on a CD and the laser reads and converts the light into music, a hard drive stores information digitally – images, sound, data, a video cassette stores video images electro-magneticly and the VHS player reads this information and shows you this information on the TV screen. In your body you have cells which store information – past traumas, anguish, pain, joy, ecstasy, injuries and bliss. Each cell has a neutron, proton and electrons thus creating an electric circuit. So your cells store electric charges just like these other pieces of equipment store information magnetically, optically or digitally. So in Namassage, I am accessing the archives stored in your cells, and where I sense a charge, that’s where there is something that needs balance and healing. The healing comes by bringing consciousness to that which is stored in the cells beyond conscious mind. We are walking around with a knee injury all you feel is pain. When you go into healing and meditation meditation through the pain into the charge that is being held in the part of your body, the pain becomes the vehicle to get to the healing.

The body is storing information that you may not remember or know why you created that accident – you did create that accident on some level. But the information is stored in the knee, and accessing that information and bringing awareness to it, and bringing it to your conscious mind brings healing because you get to the root of why you created the injury in the first place. When you heal what it was that made you create this accident/injury, when you heal the energy that created it in the first place.